The Changing Face of Online Freelancing – ITNA Digital Innovation Podcast EP 4


This week on IT News Africa’s Digital Innovation Podcast, Luis Monzon interviews Johann van Niekerk, CEO of Outsized for Africa. Outsized is a digital freelancing platform and curator that basically functions as a middle-man between freelancers and the companies that need them most.

Where Outsized differentiates itself is in the process of uniting freelancers with employers – the process is entirely digital and curated to make sure the right people find the right jobs. Johann and Luis chat about how freelancers can sign up for Outsized and what professions are needed most, as well as the changing face of digital freelancing across the continent and worldwide.

The two continue to discuss the future of online freelancing in Africa, how Outsized got its start in the continent basically creating its freelancer community from scratch and Outsized’s future plans in Africa.

Listen to the episode below:

By Luis Monzon
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