IBM Announces Real-Time AI for Transaction Processing

On Thursday, IBM an international tech company, announced IBM z16, a Telum processor that allows clients to infuse AI inferencing for real-time insights. This innovation is designed to enable clients…
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How CFOs & CIOs are Funding Digital Transformation with OPEX, not CAPEX

CFOs and CIOs, collaborating to drive the accelerated digital transformation necessitated by rapid technology advances and COVID-19, now have a smart alternative to traditional financing and management of IT assets…
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The Challenges in Getting Internet Access to All South Africans

South Africa is on a drive to connect its citizens to the Internet. In November 2021, the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies Khumbudzo Ntshavheni announced that the government was…
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The 2 Challenges that SA’s “Culture of Digitalisation” Faces

Technology is only successful if it is used. And today, business leaders in companies around the world need to shift from a tech-centered view of digitalisation and start considering how…
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