Huawei Cloud to Invest $6-Million in Startups Over the Next 3 Years


Huawei South Africa CEO Spawn Fan announced that Huawei Cloud will invest R100 million ($6 million) in 1000 startups over the next three years at Huawei’s Eco Connect 2022 event which took place on Friday. 

Fan underlined the importance of partnerships to what Huawei has been able to achieve through its 24 years of operation in South Africa. 

“We’ve supported South African operators to build more than 2800 5G base stations and have more than 1000 registered SMME partners,” he said.

“We need to enable local partners and people to get the most advanced technology,” he added. 

Some 96% of Huawei South Africa’s sales are also done through partners, a number it says it wants to increase to 100% in the near future. 

As it looks to further cement and grows its partnerships, Huawei is increasing the incentives it offers partners and will increase by 35% its funded hand (FH) in partners. 

The fruits of the relationships Huawei has with its customers in both the public and private sectors are paying off too. 

“On 22 June, we launched the first phase of the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) innovation center in partnership with Huawei,” said Ntutule Tshenye Executive of State Information Technology Agency. 

The innovation center is aimed at fostering ICT talent and growing small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in the sector. 

“South Africa is an important strategic market for Huawei Cloud,”  Leo Chen President of Huawei Southern Africa said. 

He also outlined Huawei’s commitment to helping drive South African innovation through initiatives such as its Open Lab, Joint Innovation Center, and POC Lab. 

“We want our partnerships to help South African companies build South African solutions,” he said.

Edited by Zintle Nkohla 

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