Global Alert: Cyber Crime Threatens 80% of Employees


Recent research highlights the significance of implementing effective cyber awareness training programs for employees to mitigate cyber risks. More than 50% of leaders have expressed concerns about their employees’ insufficient knowledge in this regard and are seeking solutions to curb the threat.

Employees worldwide face the daily threat of being targeted by cybercriminals and are often caught off guard. Properly equipping employees to recognize and respond to these threats in the early stages can help mitigate the risk. Cybercrime activities have led to significant financial losses, data breaches, privacy violations, and disruptions of services in businesses and governments, with lasting psychological and emotional effects on individuals. Unauthorized access to personal, financial, or sensitive information in businesses leads to identity theft, reputational damage, and severe legal repercussions.

According to the findings of the 2023 Security Awareness and Training Global Research Brief conducted by Sapio Research, up to 81% of cyberattacks on organizations in 2022 took the form of phishing attacks, password attacks, and malware attacks, many of which directly targeted users.

Organizations are facing a growing, sophisticated threat landscape. Fortinet’s Global Threat Landscape Report reveals persistent high levels of ransomware threats globally. Additionally, as per Fortinet’s 2023 Cybersecurity Skills Gap Global Report, 84% of organizations experienced breaches in 2022.

The survey emphasizes the importance of building a cyber-aware workforce to strengthen security posture and reduce cyberattacks. Furthermore, the Fortinet report highlights that while 85% of organizations claim to have a security awareness and training program, more than 50% believe their employees still lack cybersecurity knowledge. This suggests a need for more effective and consistent training programs to reinforce good cyber hygiene practices.

With the increasing prevalence of the threat, organizations and their leaders are actively seeking solutions to curb cyber risks. The report reveals that 93% of organizations indicate their board of directors inquiring about cyber defenses and strategies.

“Our 2023 Security Awareness and Training Global Research Brief underscores the crucial role employees play in preventing cyberattacks. It also highlights the critical need for organizations to prioritize security awareness and training services to ensure employees serve as the first line of defense,” said John Maddison, EVP of Products and CMO at Fortinet.

For organizations seeking to implement effective cybersecurity awareness training, Fortinet offers its Security Awareness and Training service. Developed by experts at the Fortinet Training Institute, the service covers practical topics and reinforces learning with reminders and checks. It provides access to a dashboard and reporting for cyber insurance and compliance needs. Leveraging FortiGuard Labs’ threat intelligence, the training stays up-to-date with the evolving threat landscape. Aligned with NIST guidelines, it covers information security, data privacy, physical security, password protection, and internet security. Fortinet also provides this service free of charge to educators globally.

//Staff Writer


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