Evolving privacy laws: Tips for staying compliant


Data is everywhere, but privacy is not. The not-so-surprising news is that “76% of users believe that companies must do more to protect their data.

Lately, the dramatic increase in malicious online activities has been a cause for concern, so, 137 out of 194 countries put in place legislation to secure the data of their residents. These regulations are pushing organizations to adhere to strict data privacy regulations, as non-compliance could cause huge reputational and financial damage.

In 2015, the “supermarket chain Morrison’s fell victim to an internal attack that lead to 100,000 employee’s personal details being leaked.” Apparently, a begrudged employee posted staff data on the internet. Instances such as these could happen at any time, and that’s exactly why privacy laws are enacted: to enforce human rights and stop predatory online behavior.

Privacy laws are effective. But when there are hundreds of laws, each specific to a region, it’s complicated for an organization to achieve compliance. For instance, the CPRA and the GDPR differ in geographical scope and applicability. “The GDPR applies to all companies processing personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where the company is based. [The] CPRA only applies to companies that do business in California or process personal data of California residents.”

Staff writer

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