South African Millennials: Mastering Parenthood with Tech


Technology has transformed parenting in the digital age, and South African millennials (born between 1981-1996), the largest group of parents in South Africa, are at the forefront, leading the way.

South African Millennials are taking parenting to new heights by embracing technology from smartphone apps to smart monitors, they are using tech tools to make parenting easier and more efficient as they armed with easy access to information, smart devices, laptops, and internet connectivity, are revolutionizing parenting. They seamlessly integrate technology into their lives, using smart monitors, digital scales, and even app-controlled bottle warmers to navigate the exciting challenges of raising children. They embrace connectivity, finding innovative ways to stay connected and make parenting a breeze.

According to a 2021 report by We Social and Hootsuite, South Africa has a high rate of internet penetration, with 38.2 million active internet users, which is equivalent to 64% of the population, virtual communication platforms have kept them connected during the pandemic, and online shopping has made finding baby essentials easier than ever.

Ipsos’ survey in 2020 found that 86% of South African millennials believe that technology has made parenting easier, with 52% using technology to monitor their children’s online activities and 47% using technology to monitor their children’s location. While some may see it as excessive, technology has become an indispensable tool for millennial parents, simplifying their lives and enhancing their parenting journey. With further advancements on the horizon, the future looks bright for tech-savvy parents in South Africa.

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